英語劇【English Drama Competition】(PBLフェスタ2021)
① 創造力:オリジナルストリーを作成するにあたり,広く社会に目を向け材料集めをします。
② コミュニケーション力・表現力:英語の発音や言い回し等の表現力だけでなく,ネイティブの先生からの直接の指導等で多くのコミュニケーションの機会を持ちます。
③ 協調力:グループで一つの作品に取り組むだけでなく,聴衆の立場にも立つ機会を持ちあらゆる方向での協調性が養われます。
④ 批判的思考力:クラス代表選考では,お互いの発表を見て意見や改善点を話し合います。
In term 1 Senior 2nd graders make groups of 4 to 5 people. First they learn the “ingredients” of a story. For example; genre, characters, a story location, and how stories have a problem, solution and result.
Next they discuss and decide a story idea and make a synopsis for their story. This is difficult as the story needs to be logical, entertaining and have a climax.
Next they write their script. They must be careful to have a balance of speaking parts.
Term 1 finishes with their scripts complete and presentations of their synopsis.
In term 2 they develop pronunciation, intonation, speed and expression skills. They also discuss and practice how to express their story with appropriate gestures and face expression. They discuss what costumes and props they need to gather and make. Also they decide the sound effects and BGM for their play. Finally, they memorize their play and present it to their classmates. The class then chooses a team to represent the class in the English drama competition.
Through this project students learn teamwork and leadership skills. They also develop their creative-thinking skills.